NAEIR Financial Information

To review NAEIR’s most recent 990, please click here or visit NAEIR’s report on To access financial information about NAEIR through Guidestar, please use our identification number: 362906866 or our full legal name: National Association for the Exchange of Industrial Resources.

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FISCAL 2022 Financial Information (year ending June 30, 2022) 

Product Inventory Contributions$74,223,768
Membership Fees$318,980
Transportation and Handling Fees$8,591,058
Loss on Investments($246,550)
Miscellaneous Income$168,363
Total Operating Income plus Inventory Contributions $83,055,619


Product Inventory Distributions (Program)$104,751,429
Management and General $226,202
Fund Raising$542,516
Total Operating Expenses plus Inventory Distributions$106,243,954

Excess (Deficit) Revenue:

Excess (Deficit) Revenue
Including Inventory Contributions/Distributions

End of Year Net Assets:

Temporarily Restricted$89,868,070
Total $92,908,331